I started getting back into model railways after attending the Hobart train show in 2010. Dad and I used to play around when I was a kid so it had been probably 30 years since I'd been near a layout. We used to run a OO flying Scotsman with some passenger cars behind it and a LIMA, I think, 0-3-0. The two locos are about all that's left of the old layout so I thought I'd use the Flying Scotsman as a static display in a park like the pic below:

The other, smaller, loco I thought I'd have the local restoration group working on. Similar to this:

with some painting and welding being done. I'll have it half sticking out of a single engine shed at the end of a weed covered spur. They will be my silent "tip of the hat" to my late father.
All this is a long way of yet, of course, as we will be moving soon(ish) and I don't see a lot of point in building a layout that is going to have to pulled down again when we move. Same with scenes and dioramas. As the move will possibly be back over Bass strait, any diorama is likely to get damaged in transit. At this stage I'm happy to read blogs, forums and magazines and to watch Youtube vids. In the next couple of days, I'll write a post about the locos I have collected so far...